History Hit Book Club – Frequently Asked Questions
Is the History Hit Book Club available in my region?
Yes! The Book Club is a global online community, available around the world.
How do I join the Book Club?
You can join the Book Club by subscribing at this page.
Where is my voucher?
Vouchers are distributed during the first week of each cycle in order to purchase that cycle’s chosen book. A cycle lasts two months. The May/June cycle is followed by the July/August cycle.
What is the next book?
The Book Club’s next main book is announced first to our members in our weekly emails. We also update the Book Club shop page with the next book.
Do I have to read every book?
Members typically read the chosen book of each Book Club cycle. At the end of the cycle, we hold a live Q&A with the author where members can ask questions directly based on their reading.
We also hold one-off events with the authors of other books, and these are approached without any expectation of prior knowledge about the subject, book or author. They’re a great opportunity to be surprised by new topics and new angles on familiar subjects.
How do I log in to my account?
Members can access their account at the Account page. Make sure to enter your credentials correctly, and if applicable select “I agree to these terms” confirming you are not a robot. Lockouts resulting from repeated login failures are temporary.
How do I update my payment details?
After you have logged in at the Account page, select “Payment methods” to add or replace a payment method.
How do I cancel my Book Club membership?
You can cancel your account by viewing your Subscriptions in your Account page, which you can access by following the directions above.
Why can’t I access History Hit TV?
Subscribing to the History Hit Book Club does not grant access to History Hit TV. To manage your History Hit TV account, visit this page.
I’m not sure I’m getting all the benefits of the Book Club
You should be receiving a regular email which details upcoming books and events in the Book Club, and also features an invite to our WhatsApp group. If you’re not sure you’re getting the benefits of the Book Club, send an email to bookclub@historyhit.com.
What is the next Book Club event?
The next Book Club event can be identified in the calendar included in the regular Book Club email. If you are not receiving these emails and you are a member, please email bookclub@historyhit.com.
I have another question not answered on this page
If you’re still having trouble with the Book Club, send an email to bookclub@historyhit.com.