About Ranikot Fort
A historical fort built by the Pankistani Talpur dynasty, Ranikot Fort is also known as the Great Wall of Sindh and is thought to be the world’s largest fort. Measuring 20 miles in circumference, the fort’s ramparts have been compared to the Great Wall of China.
In 1993, the Ranikot Fort was nominated for UNESCO World Heritage Site status.
Ranikot Fort history
The great fort was built under the Talpurs during the administration of Prime Minister Nawab Wali Muhammed Leghari in the 17th century. The extensive structure was reinforced around 1812 at the massive cost of 1.2 million rupees, and formed the last capital of the Amirs of Sind before they were bought under the control of the British Empire who invaded the fort.
Ranikot Fort today
This huge fort connects several bleak mountains in the Kirthar hills, and is interspersed with several bastions surrounding a central smaller fort known as Miri Fort. The Miri Fort once once served as the palace of the Mir royal family.
Today, the well-preserved Sann Gate can be climbed to get to the top of the fort where you can get great views of the surrounding area. While you’re wandering around, be sure to also look out for the beautiful niches, carved with floral patterns.
Getting to Ranikot Fort
Ranikot Fort is situated 56 miles north of Hyderabad on the indus highway (N55). Or you can take the easy access road from Karachi to Sann along the highway. The fort is located within Kirthar National Park, Pakistan’s second largest national park.